As a motivational speaker, I Salim Rana Vegas, focus a lot on how to create beautiful, strong and healthy relationships. I’m sharing my views on this topic as per my personal experience and various psychological studies that highlighted some behaviors patterns that couples with an unhealthy relationship share.
If you’re also unwittingly engaging in any of those behaviors, you have the chance to ruin your relationship. I think that I have been extremely lucky in my relationship and I have one of the strongest relationships with my wife. But if I honestly tell you, I admit that I also saw a difficult period in my life where I had to struggle a lot to keep my relationship alive.
It doesn’t always have to be a huge mistake that ends your relationship; sometimes it’s a bunch of little things that can ruin your relationship before you even realize it. The following are some of the biggest relationship mistakes to look out for:
Compare them with your past
If you want to ruin a great relationship, start comparing your love to all the terrible once you’ve had in the past. Remember, you came to the relationship because you realized your partner is genuine and different from others. And if you always compare them with your past, you will create the same image of him/her in your mind and start thinking that all men are jerks. It’s so easy and great, which makes this step genius.
Keep it in
If there’s one thing my bad relationship has taught me is that you should never express your feeling. The reason is that a bad person in a bad relationship will use your feeling as a weapon. No matter how unhealthy your relationship is going on, you don’t communicate with your partner because you don’t want to lose him or her. And if you don’t say anything, all things will be okay, right?
A good partner wants you to talk to him/her. If your partner is doing some mistakes, he/she wants you to give feedback. They are naturally inclined to please you.
Holding Grudges
Another great way to ruin your strong relationship is not to forgive your partner for his/her mistakes. People make mistakes, they learn from them and they improve for the better. If you can’t let things go after they apologize and plenty of time has gone by, you may have to regret a lot to get their love in the future.
Keeping secrets and telling lies
Last but not the least; telling lies and keeping secrets is one of the best ways to destroy your relationship. If you’ve ever been lied to, you know how difficult it can be to trust that person again. There are there rules of a successful relationship – don’t lie, don’t cheat and don’t make promises you can’t keep.
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